Clarissa Maria Dias Mota | Advisor: Prof. Dr. Luiz Guilherme de S. Branco
“Thermoregulatory and neuroimmunomodulatory effects of serotonin”
Defense Date: 12/04/2019

Ana Carolina Mieko Omoto | Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rubens Fazan Junior
“Morphofunctional, histological and molecular aspects of rat hearts after ischemia and reperfusion: stratification of myocardial lesions”
Defense Date: 11/29/2019


Patricia Passaglia | Advisor: Prof. Dra. Evelin Capellari Carnio
“Effect of central angiotensin-(1-7) on the sympathetic efferent arc of the inflammatory reflex in rats submitted to endotoxemia”
Defense Date: 08/19/2019


Cahuê de Bernardis Murat | Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ricardo M. Xavier Leão
“Sensitivity to low extracellular glucose in neurons and astrocytes in the nucleus of the solitary tract”
Defense Date: 08/06/2019


Susana Quiros Cognuck | Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jose Antunes Rodrigues
“Interaction of sex and aging in the neuroendocrine control of metabolic, cardiovascular and hydromineral homeostasis”
Defense Date: 07/18/2019


Junia Lára de Deus | Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Mauricio Xavier Leão
“Impact of high-intensity sound stimulation on long-term synaptic plasticity and hippocampal neurotransmission”
Defense Date: 02/27/2019


Lívea Dornéla Godoy | Advisor: Prof. Dr. Norberto Garcia Cairasco
“Characterization of behaviors and physiological changes associated with early stress in experimental models of Epilepsy and psychiatric comorbidities”
Defense Date: 01/25/2019